haha wow
do you believe that when you sin ,osmeone else will have to pay the consequence for you,, suffer the consequence.
Adultury, a sin, by one, and the people suffering the consequence are the children, and family.
You may think sin will make you happy. But, although you may experience temporary pleasure, you will end up miserable because of your guilt, natural consequences and God’s punishment.
i just hope history does not repeat itself . not htat i did something way bad,
just hahaha maybe i am overthinking it ,h ahaha
nvm~~ just take everything as it is : )
so -_-!@#$@#,,
someone asked a favor from me and when i did it ,they just took it as a matter of fact manner… , as IF i was supposed to do it...
They don’t respect my freaking opinion please
making use of people is not very nice,,,
but its ok I shall forgive,, like I always do,,
: (
ok its gonna be good : )
gonan study my bio chem :D~~
ICAN~~~ :)D
once bitten twice shy
if u get taken advantage of,
and u allow it to happen again,
then i am an ass
what we could have been, 6:05 AM.
i am about to slap myself, cover my self up in a box, seal it, throw it into the sea and then drown to death.
i am so mean
i should really stop that,
stop it !! hahaha
aiyoo how to
better clear things up
wake up my idea !!! hohooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
JESUS save me!! haha
give me the wisdom to deal with this situation is the wisest manner,
in a manner with love, with care, and a manner that will not damage relationships.
~~ my goodness
wow, anyway i think i found a change! but, hahaha wow its so sudden, i cant explain it
what we could have been, 11:26 AM.
annoyed to the max
pissed to the max
that i allowed this to happen
i;m so stupid!!
i have control over my thoughts
i can erase any thoughts that ocme over me : )
stop it ok
i can do this
i can finish my studying in a matter of 22 days : )
i know i can do it
i have God on my side...
i shall not let any one do that.
i shall stop it from happening next time
once bitten twice SHY
: )
i dont love i odnt hate i dont anything
i amjust a hollow thing with a brain and that is like an automobile
without someone driving me i am a carbon compound, completely lifeless
God i give my whole life to you!
i give you control
save me!! hahahahah
: )
what we could have been, 6:44 AM.
super sleepy
lots of stuff to do
pray for me
what we could have been, 10:38 AM.
all i know is
Nu:--->E+ which is a C=O the pi bond breaks the electrons go onto the O atom forming a Nu-c-ominus intermediate......then something happens. if it was an alkjoxide that attacked ( basic conditions ) this means that the intermediate and if the intermediate has a leaving roupg, then it will collapse and something will carry off the negative charge, and then a trigonal planar product will be formed and this is a crabonyl. if no leaving group, it iwll protonate and become a hemiacetal. sometimes. hmm , then if its an acidic condition, it iwllcause the lone pair on the O atom int hte c=o bond to protonate and form C=OH+ and then the Nu, possibly an alcohol will attack the electron deficient carbno and then the thing will form a hemiacetal ... and then the LEAVING group will with ehte lone pair will protonate and then it will elave and the lone pair of elecrtons will form a double bond with the hting and form some product. carbonyl per se. this is how trans esteesterification occurs.
therem iust be the acidic condition and then there must be the alcohol which will attack as the nucleophile which the o has a positive charge.thus pullign harder from the carbon... then jump here kump there.. .. forming some alternate ester.
and get this ,the more i studty the more messed up it gets > ? ? makes sense?
i just hope that those past few hours of cramming works,.. i did go through every single reaction i dont see how i should not do well for the test tomorrow apart for the me fact htat i keep forgetting!!! AND IKEEP dreaming about nucleophile attarck :( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T...............then i wake up gasping for air and realsie that ia m not prepared
i need your peace,.
i am not freaking out or anything
but when isleep let me sleep properly
when i study let me study proeprlyyy
s7uddenly these eyebags look bigger than my cranium......................
i wanna go run tomorrow after the test
then do tutorial
then do tutorial
then practise piano
then start my essatys
God give me inspiration
maybe i should not stress mytself that i want to do my honors ,thats why,
i shoudl npt stress myeslf.
yeh i should not stress myself
anyway its only the mid term test
there is stll the finals. : )
what we could have been, 10:10 AM.
i watched this movie called
faith like potatoes today
very very ,touching
i cried like nuts, cant rememebr the last time something made me cry, haha
please watch it when u can,
gotta go study for the test now!
D: :D
please come through for me
what we could have been, 12:00 PM.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
this song,,
So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'
But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me
no use wondering how people get it , just got to do your OWN thing!
haha ,,,
i dont worry for anything
i know that everything is going to be ok,
i alwys know that things are going to be ok,
but will things always be at its best? this i cannot garuntee.
i can do my lab report and study for my test
but are they adequate or well done? i am not too sure about that,
very very busy,, haha,
labreport by friday
test on monday << << chewing the tb, which btw, lugging the textbook around for one day has made me feel all so mighty already
essay due next thursday,,, haha one of my fears,, having nothing to churn out,,,
and some assignments,,,,,,,,, hoho@@
2 more labs and then
finally to sTUDY full force for finals
KKCAN! i just know it !!!!
molecules only what,, what is so tough right,,,,,,,,,,,,,
when you see me,
dont ask me how i am
just tell me that i am on the right path
hug me and tell me that
u wanna be my friend?
i'm so lonely,
when you see me, just hug me and tell me i am looking all ok
what we could have been, 9:53 AM.
the way things are right now
i just dealing with it as always
i dot hate it i dont love it
dont ask me if ilove it ,
just tell me that its great
when you see me
just dont ask me how i am
when you see me
just dont ask me how i am
we all just know that things will be fine
things may be fine but i may not be fine,
we know things are going to be fine, becuase
everything is in His hands
id ont exist, i am merely a hollow figurine that is here to do things
dont ask me what i like
dont ask me what i hate
when you see me
just tell me that everything looks great
i know things are always goign to be fine
things may be fine but i may not be
but its ok, i dont exist,
i dont envy people who think highly of their existance
i dont live for me
i dont live for me
just hug me and tell me things are looking great
hug me and tell me that things are going in the right direction
dont ask me how i am
just tell me how you are
and pray that i am in the right way,
what we could have been, 11:28 AM.
there is much stuff to be done
hug me when u see me
dont ask me how i am,
today is the open house
very strange when people ask me what i can do after graduating with this degree
i seriously do not know either
i just know that its sometimes qutie fun and some times quite brainless
just gonna love it all
i just want all these thoughts to disperse and be soaked into embraces
juts hug me when you see me
dont ask me how i am
what we could have been, 9:02 AM.
so riddiculous.
. . .
i wanna die
must do lab report bef ore i die
must chomp down clayden;s text book before we die.
what we could have been, 9:55 AM.
i;m so ashamed of myself
someitmes we know what is annoying, what is not,
what behavior makes someone look really,,, ZZ justeverything undesirable
yet ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
i am being too judgmental
i am a bad person alh
i suck at being a goood person
saveeee meeeeee
the littlest i can offer
what we could have been, 8:59 AM.
I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me
i think i played it a little too happily.....
sounds scary right if soeme one said that to you
does anyone want to go out and play on friday night.
eat jajjang myeon?? : ( : ( : ( T_T
fatfat fat i want to run
but i keep waking up late
i want to jump down.
when u see me
just hug me
until i suffocate and die,
i am surviving this life
not living it,
i am nobody
make me useful oh make me useful
what do you want from me
want me to clean your house,
want me to teach you how to play substandard piano
want me to teach you how to play substandard flute
want me to teach you how to play substandard guitar
want me to teach you how to play substandard euphonium
want me to teach you how to add 1 and 1
want me to teach you how to draw hybrid orbitals
want me to teach you how to turn off the lights
want me to teach you how to ride a bike
want me to teach you how to ice skate
want me to teach you how to read korean substandardly.
want me to teach you how to read japanese substandardly
want me to taech you algebra?
want me to teach you how to cry
make me feel useful for i can;t do anything properly
its been 5 weeks of school
i am going to die
i am going to die
i am going to die
i am going to die.
i want to slash my wrists and die
what we could have been, 8:51 AM.
If you were falling
Then I would catch you
You need a light
I'd find a match
Cause I love the way you say good morning
And you take me the way I am
If you are chilly
Here take my sweater
Your head is aching
I'll make it better
Cause I love the way you call me baby
And you take me the way I am
I'd buy you Rogaine
When you start to losing all your hair
Sew on patches
To all you tear
Cause I love you more than I could ever promise
And you take me the way I am mmm
You take me the way I am
You take me the way I am
If you were falling
Then I would catch you
You need a light
I'd find a match
Cause I love the way you say good morning
And you take me the way I am
If you are chilly
Here take my sweater
Your head is aching
I'll make it better
Cause I love the way you call me baby
And you take me the way I am
I'd buy you Rogaine
When you start to losing all your hair
Sew on patches
To all you tear
Cause I love you more than I could ever promise
And you take me the way I am mmm
You take me the way I am
You take me the way I am
everyone has a desire for intimacy.
haha it would be nice right
someone to love you
then it struck me today,
who am i to be loved in the first place?
perfectly flawed in every single way
flawed in the way i speak,f lawed in the way i think
flawed in the way i am look - square back, hunched , messy haired always, extremely small eyes, rounded - strange looking legs, broad shouldered, inporportionate in every way...rough hands ,
flawed in the way i write
flawed in the way i deal with people,
flawed. that is what i am .
so who am i to deserve being loved.
liked, or anything in that matter
i dont deserve anything
i dont know me either, so,,
when u talk to me , dont try to find out about me,
tell me about you.
make me feel useful, tell me what i can help you with.
i am so mean,
i am so mean thats why i dont hav friends
i am not nice,
i am not anything
not smart, no one can depend on my for help
not clear . not anyhting
the only thing i can ever do,, is listen.
i can only help with so little. so little
iwant to be a servant. serve and help people.
a lot needs to be done for all these changes.
just need the time to for the change to occur,
i am prepared.
just my determination
and some help.
i need medical attention too! haha
study hard now, study
i will NOT be defeated.
what we could have been, 9:12 AM.
i will NOT Fall sick!!
ah haha this is a pretty bad time to fal sick right
haha but its ok , sickness is only temp.
: ( really sad,,,
when you see me please give me hugs.
its so assuring, to know that someone is there for you
when you say that its always there when you need it
i am so tempted to just get this help
yet i am so afraid that after i get it, the comfort, and assurance
i;ll be ,,, abandoned. again
call me in the middle of the night
drop me happy and random notes anytime
i am bloody afraid
i am waiting for hte still morning to come.
change faculty?
what we could have been, 6:28 AM.