
Friday, April 30, 2010

its so tough

how to get over it!!! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg

oh Lord i need instructions

how do i get instructinos if i can't even hear the Holy spirit speak

sigh TO THE MAX man

one element is missing

what we could have been, 6:53 AM.
Thursday, April 22, 2010

my TTB for the next few days

saturday : O.chem exam . study inorg
sunday: revise biochem and i.Org
monday : biochem exam
tues: i.Org exam
wed study for fridays and following mondays; exam

i have not started on inorg
i spent too much time on org alr!!

org is not tough
but its really starting to piss me off that i cant remember the reactions
whats the dfif between attacking by the c=o lone pair or delocalising the lonepair on the hydroxy oxygen and breaking a pi bond and attacking by the carbonyl oxygen?

more reactions to rremember just becos of small variations
i;m getting quite pissed becos of my poor memory
Freakign pissed when i cant remember compounds like DEAD of LDA? ?? - - - - -

but its ok,,
sian i did my best le , see how and what happens.
but its becuase of these two modules that i feel more confident to at least,, well , teach, haha
so this summer break i think i want to look for a teaching job : )

freak man and i had a huge pimple!
damn! and i tried putting toothpaste onto it, and now i think that patch is really dry and its quite red!! Please dont let there be a scar!!!!!!!!!!! my goodness,,,,,,,,,,,, its my first time i see such things, urg ,,,,,, bimbo but goodnes!! hhaha if i am educated enough i will devise my own pimple treatment formula man, hahaha

oh well , i better go study now
inorg!!! I WONT BE DEFEATED!!! ok 3 hours to study inorg, tmr mogin continueu on inorg then i will re READ org notes again..
i think my org notes are so seasoned hahaha,,, crumpled beyond...

it sucks always having to work twice harder than other people just to get the same job done,


what we could have been, 7:19 AM.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

my goodness
sometimes i just want to shut up
ok 3 more days to cram
24 days to hannnnnnnnnnguk!

13 days to freedom! :) hhahahaha

what we could have been, 2:06 PM.
Monday, April 19, 2010

super sian
whenever the exams come around i feel like dropping out of school
its not that i dont love what ilearn, i do, i do enjoy and find it interesting.

i really wonder, this course is so... general .. at the same time so niche......
if i graduate with this degree then what can i do ?

at the same time even though it looks like there is much to do,
but actually there is little i can do,
just plainly with my abilities.

what kidn of job description fits me?

for i have never imagined my self in such a field ever,
al i know is that i will always on the go and running errands.
i just know nothing close to an office job.
when i was younger i never imagined things to be anything near where i am now.

i always imagined a people orientated job,
health sciences or something to do with the media
but isn;t it quite strange to tink these now

ok just,,,,,,,,,,,
study for the exams and think later.

people are not even thinking about tis then why are you ?

just study damn it ,

i want to slash myself
i am such a mean person

i am not impressed by your laziness
i am not impressed by your pride

what we could have been, 4:43 AM.
Sunday, April 18, 2010

i really hope for big things

but i lack the guts and talent or ability to do them,

what am i doing,,,!!

SAve meeeeeeeeee
i just want to die,

what we could have been, 9:25 PM.

i;' m going to cry

sometimes i really love studying,, and i hope for big things,

smoteimse when i am studying i wish to quit and stop studying, i dnot want anything else;

its not super tough, its just htat i get freaking lazy sometimes


I jsut want to know that i am not wasting my time here,,
God am i at the right place?

i used to be so frustrated about it ,
then i just forget it ant move on , ,and i dont wish to keep coming back to that vulnerable feeling
yet it is so important, i think its the most important, even moreimportant that life itself.

i just wnat to sleepppp and die

what we could have been, 1:11 AM.
Friday, April 16, 2010

so much to do,,,
i dno , 5 days left to really sutdy for the three modules.


okookkokkok gogogogogoog

sianz to the max,
tody i iwll be spending the whole dayt at church and out, : (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i;m so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

what we could have been, 6:32 PM.
Thursday, April 15, 2010

ok ia m so lazy

God please multiply my time
that i may finish my studying
take away my desire to sleep
take away anyhting that can distract me
help me to finish studying

!#!@#!@ so much to do!!! 5 days to finish studying
wow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i really suck

what we could have been, 9:27 AM.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i am so guilty

i suck seriously

i want to kill myself

stupid i really have nothing
nothing to lose,

i;m so stupiddddddddddddddddddddd , how can i let it happen

i;m so riritated that sacrifices are not seen
SO Easily forgotten,
so irritating,

just stop it lah

........ : (

HELP MEeeeeeee

what we could have been, 10:24 AM.
Monday, April 12, 2010

i dont know
if i didn;t have a choice perhaps i would be doing,, the "right " thing,

if i didn;t have a choice,i would have been thankful for what i got

i dont know if its just im letting what peopel think about it affect me ,,
thinking that this is not a blessing itself.

PLEASE tell me what to do.

freaking desperate


what we could have been, 11:17 AM.
Saturday, April 10, 2010

just highlight the portions i agree with,

n general, ESFJs are helpful people who place a high value on harmony. Paying close attention to people's needs and wants, they work well with others to complete tasks in a timely and accurate way. ESFJs follow through on their commitments. They like closure and prefer structured, organized situations in which warmth and compassion are shown. They contribute to others by anticipating their day-to-day concerns and handling them with warmth and efficiency. ESFJs are at their best in organizing people to get a job .

Because ESFJs are caring individuals, they expect to give and receive in their relationships. Because others may not be as thoughtful as the ESFJ, it is a possible source of disappointment to them if they expect the same awareness and caring on the part of the partner. Being practical and realistic, they may not always like effusive shows of affection and prefer moderation instead. ESFJs may be more loyal to the relationship or to the institution of marriage than to the person. ESFJs may take the end of the relationship as a personal failure

Kind, sympathetic, cooperative and forgiving. Friend types are very concerned about the welfare of those around them and are generally kind and friendly to everyone. They are very sympathetic and tend to be emotional. They are generally cooperative and accommodating, but don't usually like to take the lead in social groups

when i read this , i felt that it kinda almost describe what i palce most importance on..and describes me partially.. sometimes i dont really find my own needs important,, perhaps its because i feel that i am insignificant, and that other people could do better with the same resource. though these many years ithought of this as a flaw, becuase iwas so easily influenced.. like a highly polarised molecule,,, i really hated it , i thought i had an identity crises cos i just couldnt tell what i am , what i lke n things like that cos iwas just way too easily influenced ( till now too, ,ahha)...,, just my way of doing thigns sometimes,, but it can really suck sometimes, i realise that i am always the one giving in in a friendship .the one compromising, the one saying sorry, APOLOGIZING even though its not my fault., the one initiating ,, bringing closure to things even thuogh i was not the one who started it, the one trying to patch a broken friendship even though it was someone elses fault,.

iit really makes me tired, that i always give in, and people dont really give in to me,,, that sucks big time,, i wonder if thats the reason why my friends are in my life now,i mean they hurt me so often,, not that they know it,, they may be mean and stuff, its either they dont know that they are hurting me,, or that they dont care that they are, they dont bother to be watchful,, and ,,, is that the reason why they are here?,is it so that i learn how to deal with the hurt always?

this is why i am restricted to a few close friends only,, ahah i may become too vulnerable

been very intrigued by reading the bible.
wow i hope to answer questions,

i read the papers today, it just made me very depressed again
i mean what am i doing studying this?? should i be doing something else,, maybe something i can be more useful in,, i dont know if i have that kind of knowledge that is necessary to thrive and contribute in this area of study!,, then back to speech pathology dreams.........................

God please tell me what to do,,

id ont mind,, that i change major next semester.. i dont mind if i go overseas next semester, i dont mind if i change graudate studies, i dont mind.. i just want to be in the right direction.

oh well tiem to study
: )

what we could have been, 8:58 AM.
Friday, April 9, 2010

my day just begun
i am not going to sleep till tomorrow TEN PM
i need to get my life back on track, instead of being awake at 12-6 am : (
i iwill wake up by 7 and i will sleep at 2 everyday


haha reently ive been dreaming agani

in my life time
i wish to work with the mythbusters on a myth!
i want to meet youbin !! : )~ hahaha and learn from her!!
i want to help out in a movie set
i want to act at least once!
i want to live in korea for a short while : )

wow nothing to do with being a chem-myst right ahha

i wish so~~: )

ok i must study hard
if i do , it shows that i grasp hold of the concepts and that i will not face so much prpblems when i reach higher level. : )


OK ~ : )
study hard!!: )smile though your heart is aching

what we could have been, 3:09 AM.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

i love this song,,,,

sigh,, so excruciating, its my upteenth time reaidng the same BASIC ntoes again,,,
starting SLOW and steady, , really way way slow,, but its ok : ) i will be strong and iwill win this race : ) haha

ok,, i am down with ,,4 chapters!! HAHA 12 moer to go,,,
and this is only for one moduleeeeee - - - . . . .. .
but its ok : ) ~~ okmy plan is to finish this revision for the 3 core modeuls within 7 days.. all of it!! then i shall attempt past year papers

hee, ,tehn after the 29th paper,, i will have about 3 days to cram for 2 papers : )
just read book and tehn,, umm , ok!! hahaha ~~ i will be ok : )


강한여자야~ ㅎㅎㅎ!!

sigh i almost forgot how romantic korean can sound.
~~ 내 겻테있어죠@
~ 사랑하는 사삼이 생겼읍니다!
보고싶다, ㅎ

ㅎㅎ maybe it does not sound so,, but haha ~ man when u hear it from someone,, man,, "*melt* w.ell the effect is diff when u hear it in english,hahaa

ho well!! ok 3 hours to school now,, been sleeping at 6am nowadays, - - .. haha
love night study,, the best! feels so timeless,., noo ne bothers you,,
: )
okjust hope i dont get moody in the morn due to sleep deficiency.. haha

: ) Smile~~~~~~~

what we could have been, 1:47 PM.
Monday, April 5, 2010

my eyes feel like they are burning

i am just not efficient
can sit here do the same thing ONE blimming essay for 8 hours,,,
inefficeint?? highly,. really ,,,, sucks big time,, i dont know if its because i waste time,,, or what,, i highly doubt that.

i can study the same set of notes so many times ,but then i dont absorb or get the same kai-qiao in the same amount of time.

i dont know if i am useless or what
i can;t even help people with their work
and i always have to ask peoeple for help.,.

am i the only pathethic soul struggling and the only person who seeks help;
haha. dumbass,

oh well no use self-pitying, jsut gonna study
i hope my effenciy improves. it sucks to have to read the same notes X 10..
: (

what we could have been, 9:36 PM.

scardy cat,
i don;t feel any peace at all

this feeling of uncertainty really sucks
God please take it away!!!!

i always feel that i don't need people to care for me,
i mean, i am independent, and i can do thinggs for myself ,and after all i cannot really contribute to anyone or anything, ,so why should people care for me right? wait for me and everything,,,, pay for me,, ? buy for me,,,, ask me for my opinion... ACCOMPANY me,,,,,,,,.sometimes i thnik to myself;; why should people care for me ? i am perfectly flawed in every way, so mean sometimes

but htne i realisd that i always get annoyed when epopel don;t seemingly care for me ... and then i do speak in a way that seems as if they owe me something,,or i act and behave in a negative manner becuase i am pissed that no one cares for me. or at the fact that i feel that something is unjust,,,, unfair rather.. but people dont know what is it about.

i then feel bad,, and feel like no one can love me! and no one cares for me . i then blame myself thinking that becuae i am selfish,, becuase i do not let people love others. i cannot be ahppy that others are more . "well loved" than i am,, or that i cannt be happy because i am jealous, haha... yup i feel like i am selfish, then i feel "no wonder i shoudlnt be cared for."

super sian, i guess it boils down to me being selfish la, cannot behappy for others, or i just keep comparing? i dont know, i think i am just too mean thats why,
ic annot continue to repel people from my life right,i should not keep talking like they owe me something,
: (

i am so mean , i keep deterring my friends.

my heart wants to break,
i;m so strong headed at the same time i am so vulnerable.
sometimes friendships behave like a double edged sword.
pierces you so deeply in,, at the same time,, so nice and shiny, suave looking thing. very enjoyable...... haha, sometimes,.
well i cannot connect with anyone else in uni,
u wanna be my friend?

i am so dead
you know that feeling that you cannot die ,? God does not want me to die so early yet i guess, there is much i must accomplish for Him thats why,, if not he would have let me die early, haha i think i am too easily affected by what other people do,, perhaps that is why i am always so resistant to other people, i mean i am ok in a group ,, but i suck 1-1 .. cos,,sometimes ifeel like my life may not be worth sharing . so sianzed right i eman my life is about school, and nothing else.. ,,, perhaps that is why i dont erally want 1-1 friendships, i mean, being so totally vulnerable to it,, that just sucks,,,,,,, when i do open up,and i realise that someone else is shutting in,,, i am just so,,, afraid.

then sometimes u just wnat to forget everything and bury youreslf in school work,, haha,, just keep yourself busy". . vicious cycle..

perhaps this is the lesson i am to learn,,
that i should not let school just determine my life,,,
that people around me sohuld deserve better,, and they dont owe me anything,
that i shiould share more with them.
so much more,,but what else can i share?
what can i offer?

sometimes i want to just , cage myself up in a box.
perhaps sometiems we let the negative of friendships get in our way.. of enjoying the benefits of it . you know what i mean?
haha,, but no its not how we should deal with things

i guess i am just gonna take my time and learn how to do everything more lovingly...
if people do not want to accompany me, its ok : )~
if people do not wnat to be my friend, its ok,
if people cannot answer me, its ok: )
if people offend me ,, its ok! just tell them lovingly
becuase sometimes people do not know that they are mentioning something sensitive about you? and i get angry and tel them and they shun from me afterwards.

how crazy is that?
then this seperates your real friends.

sigh,, but one thing that really bugs me is a friendship that is neither here nor there.. i mean,, you can enjyo your time with them,, but at the same time they can just turn their back on you,, ,and then you feel so insecure,, did you do something wrong?,,, then when they come back to you then you feel like ,ok :) thats fnie,, nothing happened, but the whole process is so f@@@ scary . you dont know when they are going to ditch you,, you dont know when they are going to turn ytheir back on yo,, all that uncertainty thaty you were feeling whilst they were ignoring you,,


something about having friends in christ...,, i am so blessed... it is that, there is this assurance that they are here for you, this assurance,, wow i cant explain that, i am so thankful for this..

oh God, please give me peace,, there are important things out there i need to focus on now,, ( studies -_- how typical) ,, at the same time, help me to deal things with love,, and patience. Change me.

what we could have been, 7:34 AM.
Sunday, April 4, 2010

so much stuff to do!
the night is the best,, you feel like you have all the time to yourselffffff
then when the sun shines in,, ,damn it , it means that everything will become fast paced again,, haha,,,

and of course not to forget the after effects of staying up in the night,
stepping into the lift ,rushing to school, i see shadows casted under my eyes, and i was shocked,i thought it was just lighting,, but i was wrong... hahahaha ive never really seen eyebags in my life : (

but its ok : )

study study~

what we could have been, 8:40 AM.
Friday, April 2, 2010

i used to be so super duper hard working,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

there wasn;t really no question i did not have regarding anything that was printed ofor me

and now tdoday i am here ,super lazy
how do you expect God;s angels to work if you dont even get up to work,

sometimes i get too judgmetnal, i get irritated becasue of everyone;s selfishness,, i feel that there is a lot of injustice going on becuase these people seemingly dont deserve something and then i get moody,,,

today i stand here, jealous of other people;s happiness,,, then i realised that i ymself am the selfish one, for i am not able to be happy for them.

apart form thatl
there has never been something whcih i have not worked hard for, to ahchieve
sometimes it gets hard for me to come to terms with the fact that they could all be just ,given things. by grace, u no wot i mean?

i am talentless, easily bored,
bitter, and easily jealous,

PErhaps these are traits which i must change

i;m trusting this time,
i won;t be disappointed.
i will gain back my drive.

what we could have been, 10:28 AM.




name name name
Lengthy essays
October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.