
Monday, May 31, 2010


what we could have been, 9:21 AM.
Sunday, May 30, 2010

sometimes living with my mom is so psychologically tormenting,

sometimes i play those games too and its sick and draining beyond words and leads to no improvement, but the point of getting her angry sometimes makes me feel better, haha
i guess this is my way of being selfish sometimes, i know what makes her explode and everything, i know her full well and sometimes it can get quite irresistible when i want to hurt her the way she hurt me. i will consider this selfish behavior why because she osometimes makes me feel like a bad guy and then have a good time , and doesnt even give a shit that i feel like crap. i.e selfish becuse i dont want to let her be happy at the expense of mine. .

we know the outcome , it never ends up well

somehow the kind of things she can make me do when she is super depressed . like me interrogating my sisters becasuse i just cannot takei t . like why they never do this do that, blah blah i can be even bitchier beyond that. i describe this as the stockholm syndrome. why does she base her happiness on mE? ALONE? , when i am super depressed , there is no one at home for me to shareeeeeee feeligns with, kns and the only way i can get feedback or advice is that i must spontaneously share my feelings with people whom i may not even know. its crazy , if i do not otwardly express these feelings there are no other avenues for me to vent them and then i would def lose my sanity.

when i ma upset she gets upset at me for being upset. simple things like that. heee she threatens to jump off a building becuase i am not on good terms with her. she threatens me with her blood pressure when i simply didnt do anything.

haha evil me, i know how to trigger all these things, what makes her threaten me with her blood pressure, i know what makes her snap,scream shrilly that easily trumps an opera house singer. everything. ia m super temtped to do them sometimes but at the same time i cannot do that, i know it is wrong , it should never even pose as an option for me,.

it gets me to angry sometiemes i want to beat someone up.,understatement i should say. bloody angry. then i just imagine some violent scenes in my mind and get over it .

damn it .

then comes friends, because i dont have many and there is no one quite like minded like me. .hee and so i dont really share my real problems with anyone because everyone is just too far away or too busy to listen to them. let alone family members.

angsty little me.

oh well ,
about doing other things, i guess thigns are going to be fine
just gotta learn how to give out instructions and make people freaking LISTEN to me,

i think i always forget the kind of POWER given to us by God.

exercise it .and stop being a victim

but aiya i am now still in a point whereby i feel that God forgets me,


at the end of the day i still end with saying , i dont know lah.

i am just damn angsty.

what we could have been, 9:04 AM.
Sunday, May 23, 2010

i keep forgetting to be nice
i keep forgetting that things are all temporary
i keep forgetting to be forgiving
i keep forgetting to be generous and giving.

i always remember and know how to criticize others,
and i realize that i am becoming one whom i hate.
keep grounded... keep grounded. . .
be nice , and giving , and dont judge..
dont forget

what we could have been, 9:29 AM.
Friday, May 21, 2010

i just got home
it was great
im tired, ,, have a blocked nose some sore throat,, really dry skin and also a huge ulcer under my tongue..

i can't taste, smell or swallow well. hahha

sad right, even the yummiest food in the world, i cannot enjoy it , haha

haha i just came back from koreaaaaaaa and , its ,,,,,
i;ve got too mcuh to say...

anyway stll gotta work tmr mornign

miore to sy byebye!

what we could have been, 10:36 AM.
Monday, May 10, 2010

ok so a little som som'

been busy with my HoLiDAYS .
extremely happy : )

ok oh well i am having a really fruitful and fun time! HAHA

what we could have been, 12:19 PM.
Monday, May 3, 2010


i welcome the summer hols

time to do the things which i need to do!! :)

i will have the most fufilling hioliday ever! : )

what we could have been, 9:08 AM.


i welcome the summer hols

time to do the things which i need to do!! :)

i will have the most fufilling hioliday ever! : )

what we could have been, 9:08 AM.
Saturday, May 1, 2010

dear journal

i really hate this 三分钟热度 kind of feeling,
you know when you suddenly have this strong surge of inspiration,that you felt STRONGLY led to do something, you tried, and things didn;t work out,
you decide to shove it aside, and if, well, you were really to be called to do it,, then those windows of opportunity would " spring" our for you again,

you thought, perhaps, then was not the time for you to do it, so it would have been to a latter date that you would get your opportunity, when you have more maturity to do things, more wisdom to do the things,

but when that window of opportunity comes, suddenly, you dont feel that, zest and excitement that you used to have for it , tat kind of love, or that burning passion that once existed in your eyes , gleaming and beaming with joy, its not there anymore.

then you wonder to yourself if it was " meant to be " at all. or was it just a fragment of your imagination , something you deceived yourself to have. something you just " thought" it was for yours.

you could use this, pertaining to relationships, your dreams, your passion mostly. for me, its just a sort of ,, calling perhaps you can say that.

when can i ever have soemthing that is soley mine, for me, my thing,
you know. your thing!, that thing
everyone has something
something that they are associated it
that girl, with the pretty looks
that girl, with the great talent
that person, with that charisma,
that girl, with that influence.

i am talking about things which enable people to
a )earn a living with ( worldly)
b) serve other people with,.

arg when is this window of opportunity going to come,,
what is this, specific door that i must open?
what ?

i know availability,
i have all these dreams, DESIRES perhaps you can say. desires,
perhpas the reason why they are not given by God is becuase , they are not for the right reasons,
we dont know for sure,
i dont know if these sudden passion, or Zest for something is God given, if they were then why cant i look at the same thing with the same kind of love and zest i had before?

was i merely decieving myself?

Oh God please lift me out of this
give me a new perspective.
give me a glimmer of hope.
tell me what to do.
i need some instructions
i am so desperate.

i getting so irritated
everything i do becomes
corrected , DOUBTED
or ,, i dont know, they dont believe what i say
esp my sisters.
so irritating.

people think that people who talk a lot are empty headed.
or like me
if you like to squeal in a high pitched manner
enthuse about small little things
in the most attention seeking manner perhaps
i dont know how i got hath
but people think its bimbotic right
i mean if u see it on TV.
you think " ha bimbo'

dont judge.

so just becuase some one more serious
or someone from LAW school,. or medcine. or a political figure head says it , you believe it,
but coming from me ? you haev to DOUBT it first.

dont you just hate it ?
its almost atkin to the
" i am TELLIN you , and not ASKING you"
so stop telling me " i dont know " or " maybe"

irritating right?
u tell someone something and they say, maybe~ , when HELLO i am tellin you that this is the blimming Truth damn it.

but it s human nature.
they only trust "souces with credibility" .

well if u must "travel the world just to see the small things so that you can appreciate what you have" then i think that you are the one with the myopic vision,

you are in singapore, already living a very blessed life, with a very stable political environment, you dont worry about political unrest them oment you step otu of your house, you live a blessed life. other people may not even have a space on the bus ride to work and hook on to the sides of the bus clinging on in a natural manner when all you can think of is complaining that the mrt is stuffy and super hot, aircon is not strong enough.

i mean i am sure that we do complain about other things, perhaps not directly about the air con, stuffiness or whatever. commonly how SMALL and uninteresting singapore can be is like the most common thing i hear people complain about. which , by the way i dont htink singaporei s uninteresting, / or when universal studios is already open but you complain that its SMALL?, haha you know , all these things never crossed my mind, until people complained about it,

like why do you complain about the smallness when there is much to compliment? so much stuff there is there! artificial environments are not easy to recreate, extreme rides and simply old settings ina modern environment, the gravel in the ground the sand used to reclaim that very land you stand upon.

its like this, if its small, just enjoy. if its hot , JUST FAN! . if its hard just DO! if the queue is Long then just WAIT! isnt that what a queue is ? if u dont expect to wait in a queue then,, i think thats weird.

14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe 16as you hold outc the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothin
--Philippians 2:14-16a

oh i am not sayng that i am perfect btw, i am not saying that i dont complain, but i am definite that i dont complain abotu much of those stuff and if you do know me , haha i do complain about character. haha you cna say its a flaw of mine, you can say i am judgmental, . haha i am trying to change that.

but anyway, my point is that.,, dont be myopic .
you have all these things around you which you can see,
things you can learn from every single person,

haha i think i am talking a bit too much about myself here now .
deviating from the point , ahah by a large margin. i think i am just starting to be quite disappointed thats all.. . .
: (

oh man,
i really need the opportunities.

what we could have been, 8:09 AM.




name name name
Lengthy essays
October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.